Strong Schools for Strong Churches.
Supporting Theological Education in the Caribbean
Strong Schools for Strong Churches.
Supporting Theological Education in the Caribbean
The Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA) has been serving the cause of theological education in the region for forty nine (49) years. This organization has benefited from the foresight, wisdom and sacrifice of scores of regional denominational and theological educational leaders from its inception to the present. Among those making outstanding contributions are the Missionary Church Association in Jamaica, Dr. Zenas Gerig, Dr. Wingrove Taylor, Dr. Dieumeme Noelliste and several others who have faithfully served on its executive, accreditation or theological commission, its Library Fellowship ministry and other services. It is only fitting to express profound thanks to everyone, every denomination or parachurch organization that has contributed to the great work of CETA. Thank you all.
CETA has served theological institutions and contributed to the training of church leaders in the Spanish, French, English and Dutch speaking nations of the region. Its commitment to quality assurance was announced very early in the establishment of the organisation. CETA was the organization in the English speaking nations of the Caribbean to provide accreditation services and it has done so consistently to this day.
Over the almost five decades of sterling service, CETA started the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean in 1977 and was a founding member of the International Council for Accrediting Agencies. In 1986 the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology was founded on the campus of the
Jamaica Theological Seminary. This was the first post graduate theological training institution in the Caribbean.
On the threshold of the fiftieth anniversary of CETA, there continues to be a significant role for this body to play in the twenty first century as it relates to theological education. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Caribbean economies negatively and several theological institutions are grappling with the economic repercussion of this virus. Theological institutions are grappling with many and varied challenges. CETA is a partner with each theological institution as we navigate the stormy waters of our day. Let us continue to collaborate so that we will make the greatest impact for the kingdom of God and the church in the exciting, unprecedented period ahead.
Rev. Anthony Oliver, President.
October 2022
The Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA) is a network and support service for evangelical theological education. Our mission is to promote excellence in theological education in the Caribbean through professional association and quality control. Our objectives are to provide for professional association among administrators of Bible Colleges and theological schools throughout the Caribbean, primarily through an Association Meeting held biennially, and to assist in the development and promotion of standards of excellence among member institutions.
CETA’s Accreditation Commission offers academic accreditation at post-secondary and graduate levels in order to stimulate the improvement of theological education by developing standards of excellence, encouraging self-evaluation, and securing academic recognition.
CETA sponsors conferences, workshops, consultations, and training seminary throughout the region as well as biennial consultations and local chapter-sponsored national seminars.
CETA administers a library development programme which provides library books to member institutions at 50% discount. More than 24 major international publishers cooperate in this service.
The Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology (CJET) is an annual academic journal that promotes scholarly study and research; provides a forum for the expression of facts, ideas, and opinions from a Caribbean evangelical theological perspective; and stimulates the application of this research to the Caribbean region.